Thursday, June 3, 2010

To Market

It is time for the Devonport Craft Market again! Yay. Hopefully we will be swamped with those people choosing to stay in Auckland for the weekend!

Devonport Craft Market
Devonport Community House
32 Clarence St Devonport

There are lots of new Songbird things on sale this weekend. Check them out below.






These last two products aren't for sale. Someone wanted to help out with the 'photo shoot' excuse the eclectic jammies!


Hope that you have a wonderful time this weekend - whatever you are doing. For us in NZ it is the last long weekend until October!



  1. good luck with the markets, your designs and style are wonderful. And I love the eclectic jammies, it's all I can do to get my wee girl to actually wear winter ones! Happy Long Weekend

  2. love your luggage tag packaging. very cute!

  3. ADORE your lovely things! Would love to feature them on The ivory dahlia. Drop us a line.


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