Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To Market...

This is a full market month for Songbird Designs. I 'promised' myself, The Husband and The Child that this year I would minimise the number of markets I did before Christmas - That's clearly working out well for me....

This weekend I am excited to be at the Royal Oak: Susataible Communities Market - hosted by CCS Disabiilty Action.

I was a stallholder at the Pre-Christmas market and had a lovely time. The food, the crafts, the environment was really lovely.

I can't find the programme but alongside the Art & Craft and food stalls, there are usually talks on seasonal planting with tips and tricks. A whole 'experience'.

You should come and check it out!


  1. have fun! I would have bee there but had to pull out as I'd already paid a hefty stall fee for Mary's Market the day before, looks like it will be a good day =)

  2. Looks great Sarah. I might be able to talk Richard into coming along if there is food and talks on gardening involved!


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