Thursday, August 20, 2009

New New New

I have had the last couple of days off work. One of those I had to myself and set about hiking all over Devonport and handing out the flyers / posters to the next Devonport Craft market. It was great to meet all of the lovely store holders supportive of the market - also interesting to meet a couple who weren't........ well weren't supportive of taking a poster (a polite no thanks would be OK.....).

I then spent the afternoon getting Christmas tags together and designing some Christmas cards. Yes folks - it is that time already!

Today I said farewell to the lovely Jane and Erick as they wing their way back to the UK. They seemed really happy with the favours...(and the wedding was amazing).. now if I had remembered my camera I would have a photo of them... will see if I can find one.

I also finished off my long pinned brooches with buttons and resin tiles. I am really happy with them - they are really effective. I have some new images for necklaces that I want to finish this weekend. Examples are on my facebook page. And one here.....

The doily is from Trade Aid and is stunning. I didn't remember to look where it came from but it is similar to the ones that my sister in law brought me back from Malta.

I also bought some new fabric which I need to cut and get out there. I have to limit myself to 4 pieces of new fabric at a time cause otherwise I would go mental and buy the shop.... You can see the new fabrics on my flickr site.

Lastly a lovely photo of some of my favourite flowers.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Photo credit: design lovely on tumbler via Oh Hello Friend

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