Thursday, August 20, 2009

New New New

I have had the last couple of days off work. One of those I had to myself and set about hiking all over Devonport and handing out the flyers / posters to the next Devonport Craft market. It was great to meet all of the lovely store holders supportive of the market - also interesting to meet a couple who weren't........ well weren't supportive of taking a poster (a polite no thanks would be OK.....).

I then spent the afternoon getting Christmas tags together and designing some Christmas cards. Yes folks - it is that time already!

Today I said farewell to the lovely Jane and Erick as they wing their way back to the UK. They seemed really happy with the favours...(and the wedding was amazing).. now if I had remembered my camera I would have a photo of them... will see if I can find one.

I also finished off my long pinned brooches with buttons and resin tiles. I am really happy with them - they are really effective. I have some new images for necklaces that I want to finish this weekend. Examples are on my facebook page. And one here.....

The doily is from Trade Aid and is stunning. I didn't remember to look where it came from but it is similar to the ones that my sister in law brought me back from Malta.

I also bought some new fabric which I need to cut and get out there. I have to limit myself to 4 pieces of new fabric at a time cause otherwise I would go mental and buy the shop.... You can see the new fabrics on my flickr site.

Lastly a lovely photo of some of my favourite flowers.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Photo credit: design lovely on tumbler via Oh Hello Friend

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August dreams

Is has been a long while between entries I know.

With picking up the co-coordinator role of the Devonport Craft Market I have had a lot of learning and doing to do, plus this endless cold I have had, the husband on ski holiday and wedding favours to make (not to mention beautiful wedding to attend). It doesn’t feel like I have had time to stop and think let along interact with the beautiful world of craft.

This months DCM looks to be the biggest and best yet so I am really excited.

Other things I am excited by:
Security envelopes – Have you ever noticed the pattern inside the envelope housing your bank statement or electricity bill? There are a huge number of beautiful patterns inside these envelopes and they are waiting to be used for your crafting pleasure. See some examples here. I am gathering some together and will come up with some ideas for them when I get a moment (on the To do list!)

I have a thing for lemon anything! These free printable downloads found at iDiy (Spiked and All ages) are heaps of fun and add a summery feel to this cold august we are experiencing. They are made by Farouche and while these are for free you can see the very clever bits and pieces for sale at her Etsy shop by clicking here.

Last but not least, the picture that launches some nostalgic memories.

Photo credit :Max Wanger

Enjoy your day

PS. Some new things for the market. Photos next week!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A week is a long time....

It has been a while and again so much has happened in the last week.

1. The Devonport Craft Market - Great day for Songbird Designs! A lot of fun. This market is getting bigger and better each month. I am now co-co-ordinator of the market which is also going to be fun. I look forward to bringing some ideas to the planning of the market.

2. Screen printing class - started. Very exciting. There are 4 Devonport craft marketers in the group which is fun. Class 2 tonight - we are making our own screens.

3. Handmade Nation movie - Devonport Craft Market had a stall before this movie (thanks Bronwyn - R.W. Scissors) and then the main event. A very inspiring and community feeling movie about the rise of Handmade - from its roots in Punk (the Husband loved that!). Generally very inspiring. The movie was followed by:

4. Lucky Penny Crafty Club - at the Mezze Bar. A few lovely fellow crafters, a guerilla knitter, good conversation, food and wine!

5. Completing an order for a new retailer.

6. Some great orders from Felt

7. Finishing the poster for the September Devonport Craft Market - With the Husbands help - I am quite happy with it!

8. Sick child, work, mother in law's 60th

9. Even with all of that, some new items made their way out of my studio. See photos below.

Off to read some blogs before the little one wakes up.

Have a great week